Online Mapping Tool

For those of you familiar with Washington County's online mapping tool, you are most likely aware that the third party host has been unstable at best as of late. Unfortunately this has been an ongoing issue which is outside of our control, as it is maintained by a third party contractor.

With that being said, the host for the mapping tool will be changing soon and we look forward to a much more reliable platform for our community's access. The plan is for a 45 day transition period from the current platform to the new website.

Continue to follow us here or on the Washington County Assessor's FaceBook Page and we will update you when the new tool goes live.

Thank you all for your patience, we know the absence of the online mapping tool has been frustrating.

Judicial Center
420 S. Johnstone ave. bartlesville, ok 74003
courthouse administration building
400 S. Johnstone ave. bartlesville, ok 74003
correctional facility
611 SW Adams blvd. bartlesville, ok 74003