Court Clerk

The Court Clerk has the primary responsibility to record, file, and maintain as permanent records the proceedings of the District Court.
Court proceedings are recorded in the appropriate journal or record. All the court proceedings are public information except those related to juvenile, guardianship, adoption, and mental health cases.
The Court Clerk issues marriage licenses and private process server licenses.
Monies from the court fund are identified for distribution by the Court Clerk to the appropriate units of County and State Government. Court Clerk's use forms and follow procedures prescribed by the Court Administrator's Office, the Oklahoma Supreme Court, and the State Auditor and Inspector.
Guidelines for Filers: Rule 31
For additional information:
Oklahoma Supreme Court Network
On Demand Court Records
***Pursuant to HB1091, effective November 1, 2019, a $10.00 preservation fee will be added to all new civil filings in the Court Clerk’s office in the State of Oklahoma.***
***Effective November 1, 2019 the Court Clerk’s office will no longer be accepting any filings or payments after 4:45pm in order to secure the building and close our books for the day.***