Purchasing Agent


Crystal Smith Purchasing Agent/Deputy



The County Purchasing Agent must make all purchases that are paid for from county funds for the various institutions, departments, officers, and employees of the county. The purchasing Agent is the shopper for all county purchases and all county purchasing must be conducted through this agent. The Purchasing Agent prepares and solicits bids for all purchases when bidding is required, notifies successful vendors of bid acceptance, solicits telephone quotes of prices when a bid is not required, and places all orders with the vendors.







Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 1500 to 1507, Title 19 O.S., bids for County purchases in excess of $25,000.00 are to be solicited by the County Clerk's Purchasing Agent. The bids will be evaluated and awarded by the Washington County Board of Commissioners. When awarded, the Purchasing Agent will issue purchase orders to successful bidders and will notify the other bidders of the awards.

To insure your bid will be considered, make sure you adhere to all the requirements under Terms and Conditions listed on the bid package. All bids must contain the signed and attested AFFIDAVIT. All bids must be an original. You may print the bid packet from the website, but an original must be received by this office in a sealed envelope for consideration.

To expedite bid processing, place your bid in a sealed envelope inside another sealed envelope. On both envelopes, in the lower left corner indicate the bid number and the opening date. This will help identify bids from other mail and will insure that they will be presented to the Washington County Board of Commissioners, unopened, for the bid opening. All bids must be printed in ink or typewritten. Initial any corrections you make.

All bids must be received by this office prior to the opening date and time. Any bids received after the time and date indicated, will be returned unopened. When mailing your bid, keep in mind that the County Courthouse is closed on week-ends. This office usually receives mail in the afternoon -- allow enough time for the delivery of your bid.

All questions concerning bidding procedures should be directed to Kirsten Manuel. (918) 337-2845.

Vendor Application To Be Placed on County Bid List

Judicial Center
420 S. Johnstone ave. bartlesville, ok 74003
courthouse administration building
400 S. Johnstone ave. bartlesville, ok 74003
correctional facility
611 SW Adams blvd. bartlesville, ok 74003